Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bookmobile Service Begins!

Today marked the first day that the Branch Library Improvement Bookmobile served the Haight during the Park Branch's closure! The Bookmobile took its regular place on the west side of Stanyan Street near Waller. Park Branch staff member Megan was on the Bookmobile to welcome people aboard.

Many regular Park Branch patrons stopped by to see the branch on wheels that will be bringing books, movies, and cds to the community. I was great to see so many familiar faces!

The Bookmobile will be at 751 Stanyan Street, on the west side, at Waller, during the renovation period, every Tuesday from 3:30 pm to 7 pm and every Wednesday from 1 pm to 5 pm. You can browse the Bookmobile's collection or you can pick up items you've requested on the Bookmobile!