Sunday, August 15, 2010

Park Branch Staff Visit Library - Second Floor Changes!

Staff found that a lot of work was being done upstairs at the Park Branch Library when we visited on August 5th! We're really excited to see the plans we developed taking shape!

This pictures shows the upstairs reading room from the back corner of the builing. The wall in the foreground on the right will divide the adult area and children's area and will surround the photocopy machine. The construction in the middle of the room will feature custom shelving units that will house the media collection and the internal bookdrop. The staff workspace will be behind that shelving unit.
We found that some of the windows had been removed for repair and were temporarily replaced by plywood. We're really excited that the branch's historic windows will be fully operable when we reopen! We were also surprised to see what a difference removing the pigeon netting made to the look of the branch - it seemed so bright and spacious compared with in the past.